We provide solutions to your health and care challenges in three key areas:
As the NHS continues to evolve, we are collaborating with partners across healthcare to create innovative solutions that solve some of the NHS’ most pressing challenges.
Our priority with all of our partnerships remains our NHS customers, and together, we ensure that you get the most value for your patients and populations.
Leveraging Dr Foster’s 25 years of close collaboration with customers to understand their needs, our performance improvement and management solution suite – including the Dr Foster Healthcare Intelligence Portal – is compiled of sophisticated tools and services designed to enable healthcare organisations to better understand potential quality performance issues and identify inefficiencies within a health economy.
With hands-on support from our expert teams, you can investigate risk-adjusted quality, performance, patient safety and clinical outcomes data (including mortality), benchmark against other healthcare organisations, and identify areas for improvement and efficiency savings. Our tools also enable you to feed in multiple data sets from different areas such as primary and social care, and combine them to give a more intelligent and predictive view of your performance.
The National Association of Primary Care defines a three-step approach to population health management.
Whether you are in primary care, an acute trust, commissioner, or an Integrated Care System, we can support healthcare systems and their constituents on the journey towards population health management. We have created an end-to-end population health management solution suite to provide you with the technology, services and experts you need to maintain, improve and proactively manage your population’s health and wellbeing.
As the NHS continues to evolve, we are collaborating with partners across healthcare to create innovative solutions that solve some of the NHS’ most pressing challenges.
Our priority with all of our partnerships remains our NHS customers, and together, we ensure that you get the most value for your patients and populations.
*The COVID-19 tools are no longer being updated
Since the COVID-19 pandemic took hold in March 2020, Telstra Health UK have analysed available data relating to COVID-19, and created tools to help you provide the best care for your population. We provide support from monitoring current COVID statistics by region, to bespoke analysis designed to help you plan care delivery and recover from the elective backlog.
These services bring our insights to your data enabling limited necessity for ongoing data transfer.
These services can include us securely processing your data and providing insight back, or supplying insight from our comprehensive data assets.