20 Jun 2019
The analysis looks specifically at ambulatory care sensitive conditions (ACSCs), which can be managed or prevented through effective primary and community care. ACSCs can be chronic conditions where early intervention can help prevent exacerbation; acute conditions where early intervention can prevent progression; or conditions where immunisation can prevent disease. The report paints a startling picture of avoidable emergency admissions, finding that the admission rate increased by nine per cent over the analysis period, even after adjusting for population growth. The report reveals which conditions patients are most likely to be admitted for in an emergency, who those patients may be, and the impact of deprivation. It takes an in-depth look at the possible savings to be made across both sustainable transformation partnerships (STPs) and clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) in England, estimating combined potential savings of £125 million. The map below shows the variation in standardised admission ratios across the country by CCG region overall and for the three types of ambulatory care sensitive conditions – acute, chronic and vaccine preventable.
The map below shows the tariff savings that could be achieved by each CCG if they reduced admissions for ambulatory care sensitive conditions to the expected value overall and for the three types – acute, chronic and vaccine preventable.
The map below shows the bed days savings that could be achieved by each CCG if they reduced admissions for ambulatory care sensitive conditions to the expected value overall and for the three types: acute, chronic and vaccine preventable.
The levels of admissions and savings are also shown at STP level in the report available for download below. To help the NHS achieve these substantial savings, Dr Foster has also made some key recommendations within the report for organisations to consider going forward:
If you are an STP or CCG and you’d like to understand more about your admission rates for ambulatory care sensitive conditions please contact us at DFinfo@health.telstra.com or call 020 7332 8800.
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